ONE YEAR to Meet Qualifying Rates!
If you are a professional jewelry designer and interested in using my glass beads and sets in your work, I do sell wholesale under certain terms. You must
- Have a business license in your municipality.
- Be willing to buy in volume over the course of a year
- If you purchase in small amounts, that’s fine. Just sign up (Form Below), pay retail as you go and at the end of a calendar year, you will be issued a Year End Bonus Gift Certificate for the qualifying amount.
- No obligation to sign up until your Year End Bonus Gift Certificate is used up!
- If purchasing in volume, no need to sign up. Just send business license.
After sending me a copy of your business license or link to your municipality’s verification site, you may simply shop as usual on the site and you will receive the following discounts:
Volume Pricing:
- $200 or less – 10% discount
- $201 – $300.99 – 20% discount
- $301 – $449.99 – 30% discount
- $450 – $599.99 -40% discount
- $600 and up – 50%
Da Fine Print:
- Discounts taken off retail pricing.
- Free Beads Gift Certs and Year End Bonus Gift Certs may not be used in conjunction with volume pricing.
- Year End Bonus Certs do not count toward the next year’s purchases.